LCA lauds International Meetings on Business Law in Africa

 The Lagos Court of Arbitration (LCA) has commended the International Meetings on Business Law in Africa whose second edition just came to a close in Mauritius. The peculiarity of African issues in business took the front burner at the conferences organised under the theme: “African Issues in International Arbitration: Knowledge, Foresight and Planning”. The event was held at the prestigious, Hotel De Mauricia, Grand Baie.

The Conference was initiated as a platform of exchange and networking with special emphasis on structuring complex projects, as well as enlightening business players and legal practitioners looking at opportunities in the African market.

Bimpe Nkontchou, Director of the LCA, who attended the event, lauded the organisers and discussants expressing optimism that such forums for convergence would help Africa harness the potentials of foreign direct investments while ensuring that investors venture with confidence in the continent.

According to Nkontchou, “the quality of papers and discussions at these meetings are just the substance foreign investors are eager to have, to give them the assurances that their investment would not be subjected to unbearable risks. Africa has the necessary legal framework to safeguard investments and ensure fair, prompt and equitable resolution of issues that may arise in business this was one of the main objectives for setting up the LCA, perfectly positioned in Nigeria.”

The event was split between conferences and workshops with special focus on implementation of businesses in Africa, spanning incorporation (creation), management and dispute resolution processes/tools.

The summit had participants from several countries in attendance, including Angola, Burkina Faso, Cameroun, Congo, Madagascar, Mali, Mauritius, Benin, Nigeria, Tunisia, UK, Australia and Swiss.

Chief Justice of the Republic of Mauritius, Hon. Y. K. J. Yeung Sik Yuen was on hand to warmly welcome participants and formally introduce the Conference while Business Development Manager at Total, Olivier Vaquié, shored up the confidence of prospective investors by sharing his over nine years business experience in Africa.


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